LOOM is an expansive light and sound installation for an exhibition hall at the TextilWerk Bocholt. Phosphorescent threads shoot by UV-Lasers are storing information as light and transform a loom into a never ending weaving machine of algorithmic patterns and sounds. A kinetic system spins them into a network of data, where each luminous point in space defines the location of a virtual particle.

Tasks Helldorfer Engineering:

• Complete Mechanical Design

• Selection of all electromechanical components

• Creation of detailed production and assembly drawings

• Prototyping and setup on site

Date: 2022

Client: Atelier-E

Commissioned for: Futur_21

Programming & Sound: Atelier-E

Curator: Clemens Walter

Laser: LaserAnimation Sollinger

Production Threads: TITV

Photos: Christian Losert & Philipp Helldorfer