
  • Product Development

    From conceptualizing innovative ideas to the finished, market-ready product, I offer the entire range of product development services. I also conduct FEM calculations, perform strength analysis, and material selection to ensure that quality and functionality meet your requirements.

  • CAD-Desgin

    With extensive experience in SolidWorks, I specialize in precise and efficient CAD design. Leveraging advanced software tools, I transform your concepts into detailed and accurate 3D models, facilitating seamless visualization and streamlined production processes.

  • Prototyping

    At my CoWorking Space I have access to a wide range of state-of-the-art equipment, like 3D printers, laser cutters and CNC-machines. By rapidly transforming designs into physical prototypes, I enable efficient validation, iteration, and optimization of your product, ensuring its performance and functionality.

  • Technical Documentation

    I specialize in creating comprehensive technical documentation, including detailed manufacturing drawings, assembly drawings, and accurate bills of materials. By accuratly capturing essential information, I facilitate seamless integration, maintenance, and reproduction of your product.

  • Production Management

    With extensive experience in the field, I possess a vast international network of reliable production and assembly partners. I handle price negotiation, material sourcing, and manufacturing coordination. From start to finish, I oversee all aspects of production, ensuring on-time delivery and adherence to quality standards.

  • Kinetic Installations

    As an engineer who is deeply passionate about art projects, I offer a distinctive combination of technical expertise and creativity when it comes to art installations. My role involves assisting in the realization of your designs and constructing captivating installations that seamlessly merge mechanical elements with artistic expression.